Importance of Operative Room Sterilization for Prevention of SSI (Surgical Site Infection)
SSIs are the second most cause of nosocomial infections and the complications thereof often cause morbidity. The source of SSIs may be endogenous or exogenous. A well done surgery can be spoiled by infection. Infection increases the cost both for the patients and the hospital. Operation theatre sterilization and proper instrument maintenance can provide an infection free environment and quality care for patients.
Source of Infections
Prevention of Infection
Major part of exogenous infections can be controlled by maintaining sterile environment in the operation theatre. In addition prevention of surgical site infections also requires cleaning, lubrication, packing and sterilization of instruments are essential for. A well done surgery can be spoiled by infection. Infection increases the cost both for the patients and the hospital. Operation theatre sterilization and proper instrument maintenance can provide an infection free environment and quality care for patients.