Fights most of the Germs
Creates a germ free environment.

Non Toxic Environment
Non Toxic and safe during use.

Organic Product
Made from 100% Natural and organic ingredients that support life.
- About our product concept
- How does our product prevent & control infections?
- Why to use our Antimicrobial solution for Infection Prevention & Control?
- How it works?
- How is our product 100% safe for use anywhere and everywhere?
- Our Products
- 66 bacterial species
- 35 fungal species
ZITRI range of products are for ANTIMICROBIAL CLEANSING, that helps to cleanse, wash, rinse, irrigate or decontaminate any place /area /facility, including hospital or any healthcare facility, to accomplish the goal of proper microorganism free environment in a biocompatible, safe, effective and a natural way.
The ZITRI range of ANTIMICROBIAL products are designed and formulated not just to cleanse, but also to prepare place /area /facility and its surroundings with an ideal and optimal infection free environment.
It thus helps and aids in controlling or preventing infections, and enhances outcomes. Surely cleansing, washing, rinsing, irrigating or even decontaminating is indispensible in any place /area /facility, especially in health care settings for proper infection prevention or control or management.
THE MAIN INGREDIENT IS Citrus Aurantium Amara Extract, also known as Bitter Orange Extract, that is used in the form of a BIO -FLAVONOID COMPLEX.
The extract contains a mixture of natural ingredients that, when combined, produces an extremely powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effect.
The product kills more than –
The extract in its formulated form, Prevents / Controls & Eradicates all infections anywhere, such as:
MRSA / VRE / SARS/ GRGNB/CRONOBACTER SAKAZAKII/NEISERRIA SPECIES / Escherichia coli, Clostridium species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacteroides, Vibrio species, Aspergillus species, Candida species, Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, Herpes zoster virus and most other Pathogenic Bacteria or organisms, which cause infections or contaminations.
The ZITRI range of ANTIMICROBIAL products are designed and formulated not just to cleanse, but also to prepare place /area /facility and its surroundings with an ideal and optimal infection free environment.
It thus helps and aids in controlling or preventing infections, and enhances outcomes. Surely cleansing, washing, rinsing, irrigating or even decontaminating is indispensible in any place /area /facility, especially in health care settings for proper infection prevention or control or management.
THE MAIN INGREDIENT IS Citrus Aurantium Amara Extract, also known as Bitter Orange Extract, that is used in the form of a BIO -FLAVONOID COMPLEX.
The extract contains a mixture of natural ingredients that, when combined, produces an extremely powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effect.
The product kills more than –
- 66 bacterial species
- 35 fungal species
- Viruses
- and also effective against many other micro organisms such as Yeasts, Moulds, Protozoa, etc.
- US FDA (United States Food and Drugs Administration): The ingredients are listed in GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe).
The extract in its formulated form, Prevents / Controls & Eradicates all infections anywhere, such as:
MRSA / VRE / SARS/ GRGNB/CRONOBACTER SAKAZAKII/NEISERRIA SPECIES / Escherichia coli, Clostridium species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacteroides, Vibrio species, Aspergillus species, Candida species, Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, Herpes zoster virus and most other Pathogenic Bacteria or organisms, which cause infections or contaminations.
Our Antimicrobial solution for Infection Prevention & Control means so in medical terms, an agent that is capable of destroying or removing or eliminating pathogenic microorganisms and / or inhibiting their growth activity or freeing from infection or infection producing micro organisms.
Our Antimicrobial solution for Infection Prevention & Control acts as a non chemical agent, that destroys, neutralizes, or inhibits the prevalence and/or growth of disease carrying microorganisms.
Gesco Natural Remedies Division’s current product profile for INFECTION PREVENTION & CONTROL, provides all the specific products necessary in virtually eradicating all micro organisms.
Antimicrobial cleaning products (also known as disinfectants) are specifically intended to both clean surfaces and kill germs such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
But research has shown that some of the most common antimicrobial chemicals used in cleaners could have serious health consequences, especially for women, cleaning workers, and young children. Also, the use of chemically prepared antimicrobials contributes to the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which some scientists say could leave the public with fewer tools in the fight against infectious diseases.
Many of these products claim to kill germs, but none mention that they may also pose inadvertent health hazards to our bodies, our families, and our environment.
Health impacts such as asthma and dermatitis (skin rashes) are associated with several common antimicrobial chemicals. New research is examining the potential for more serious health impacts such as endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, breast cancer, and immune system effects.
Most products contain chemicals that are unnecessarily harsh, leading to irritation of the eyes, skin, and respiratory system.
That is why it is increasingly important for health care staff and officials to stress the use of more modern and completely safe and 100% natural and organic Antimicrobial disinfection solutions. Where traditional disinfectants are ineffective, our products will prove to be an asset for a broad-spectrum surface, and complete room disinfection.
Integrating our products, into day to day procedures, can deliver improved and optimal results in management of Infection Prevention and Control.
Our Antimicrobial solution for Infection Prevention & Control acts as a non chemical agent, that destroys, neutralizes, or inhibits the prevalence and/or growth of disease carrying microorganisms.
Gesco Natural Remedies Division’s current product profile for INFECTION PREVENTION & CONTROL, provides all the specific products necessary in virtually eradicating all micro organisms.
Antimicrobial cleaning products (also known as disinfectants) are specifically intended to both clean surfaces and kill germs such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
But research has shown that some of the most common antimicrobial chemicals used in cleaners could have serious health consequences, especially for women, cleaning workers, and young children. Also, the use of chemically prepared antimicrobials contributes to the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which some scientists say could leave the public with fewer tools in the fight against infectious diseases.
Many of these products claim to kill germs, but none mention that they may also pose inadvertent health hazards to our bodies, our families, and our environment.
Health impacts such as asthma and dermatitis (skin rashes) are associated with several common antimicrobial chemicals. New research is examining the potential for more serious health impacts such as endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, breast cancer, and immune system effects.
Most products contain chemicals that are unnecessarily harsh, leading to irritation of the eyes, skin, and respiratory system.
That is why it is increasingly important for health care staff and officials to stress the use of more modern and completely safe and 100% natural and organic Antimicrobial disinfection solutions. Where traditional disinfectants are ineffective, our products will prove to be an asset for a broad-spectrum surface, and complete room disinfection.
Integrating our products, into day to day procedures, can deliver improved and optimal results in management of Infection Prevention and Control.
Almost every environment on the planet contains bacteria and many other microorganisms. We might be surprised to learn that on one square inch of skin there are more than 600,000 bacteria. Most are harmless to humans. But disease-causing organisms, called pathogens can be dangerous or even deadly!
Using our Antimicrobial solution for Infection Prevention & Control, regularly on surfaces throughout any place / area / facility is critical in helping in the prevention and control of any or all types of infections that spread in any environment, especially in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, including those very common of infections, such as colds, Flu, and other sicknesses.
Since there are many types of products on the market, it is important to understand how they work, including their ingredients and substances that they are made of with their pros and cons, in order to make an informed decision on how to best decontaminate or disinfect and protect any facility and the people in it.
So, Safety is first.
Is the product safe to use for people and safe for the surfaces it is being applied to? As we know for sure, some types and categories of disinfectants are toxic, some stain, others are corrosive, yet others have an undesirable odor. Chemical based products are very toxic and sometimes flammable, as well as require personal protective equipment (PPE), safety protocols before during and after use, etc.
With increased economic pressure to improve patient outcomes, creating safe and more satisfying environments of care has never been more important.
Some superbugs are commonly known as Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This is a staph infection with additional resistance to Methicillin, making it more difficult to contain. But many more new and potentially dangerous superbugs arise more and more frequently.
Since a mutation occurs. Spontaneous mutations are rare, they may happen to 1 in 10 million cells. But some mutations allow bacteria to fight back any antibody it was once susceptible to, either by producing enzymes, blocking the antibiotic target area, denying the antibiotic access or expelling the antibiotic once it gets inside.
It gains resistance from other bacteria. Bacteria can gain different genetic traits through conjugation, viral transfer, or by picking up DNA from their surroundings.
When someone uses an drug, it places pressure on the bacteria population to develop resistance or be killed. Those that survive are able to multiply or pass on their traits, creating a denser selection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or superbugs.
Using our Antimicrobial solution for Infection Prevention & Control, regularly on surfaces throughout any place / area / facility is critical in helping in the prevention and control of any or all types of infections that spread in any environment, especially in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, including those very common of infections, such as colds, Flu, and other sicknesses.
Since there are many types of products on the market, it is important to understand how they work, including their ingredients and substances that they are made of with their pros and cons, in order to make an informed decision on how to best decontaminate or disinfect and protect any facility and the people in it.
So, Safety is first.
Is the product safe to use for people and safe for the surfaces it is being applied to? As we know for sure, some types and categories of disinfectants are toxic, some stain, others are corrosive, yet others have an undesirable odor. Chemical based products are very toxic and sometimes flammable, as well as require personal protective equipment (PPE), safety protocols before during and after use, etc.
With increased economic pressure to improve patient outcomes, creating safe and more satisfying environments of care has never been more important.
Some superbugs are commonly known as Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This is a staph infection with additional resistance to Methicillin, making it more difficult to contain. But many more new and potentially dangerous superbugs arise more and more frequently.
Since a mutation occurs. Spontaneous mutations are rare, they may happen to 1 in 10 million cells. But some mutations allow bacteria to fight back any antibody it was once susceptible to, either by producing enzymes, blocking the antibiotic target area, denying the antibiotic access or expelling the antibiotic once it gets inside.
It gains resistance from other bacteria. Bacteria can gain different genetic traits through conjugation, viral transfer, or by picking up DNA from their surroundings.
When someone uses an drug, it places pressure on the bacteria population to develop resistance or be killed. Those that survive are able to multiply or pass on their traits, creating a denser selection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or superbugs.
Against Bacteria- Inhibition of Cytoplasmic Membrane
- It penetrates the cell wall of the bacteria, prevents the uptake of crucial amino acids in the membrane causing disorganization. This allows the cell’s contents to leak, thus inactivating the microbe. Also reduce the membrane fluidity of the bacterial cells.
- Perturbs the lipid bilayers by directly penetrating them and disrupting the barrier function
- Causes membrane fusion, a process that results in leakage of intra-membranous material and aggregation.
- Damages the cell membrane function and loss of potassium.
- Decreases motility of the cells due to disruption of proton motive force (PMF).
- Due to its small molecular size and hydrophilic nature, it is established that, due to its combination of organic acids and bioflavonoid easily penetrate through the “influx channels” of gram negative bacteria and mycobacterium making it a more effective disinfectant.
- Decreases strong oxygen consumption
- Decreases NADH-cytochrome c reductase inhibition, the inhibition site is between CoQ and Cytochrome C site in the respiratory electron transport chain
- Inhibits macromolecular synthesis (DNA, RNA, cell wall and protein synthesis)
- The active ingredients reduce the pH of bacterial cells, forcing them to divert their metabolic activity towards balancing pH. This will result in a reduction of essential metabolic activity, resulting in killing the organism.
- The bioflavonoids interfere with the stacking of nucleic acid bases during hydrogen bonding, thus inhibiting DNA and RNA synthesis.
- Inhibit enzymes involved in DNA replication like Topoisomerase IV and DNA gyrase.
- When used as an ANTIMICROBIAL CLEANSER, our product disrupts and loosens the bio film by means of its strong anti bacterial power and by loosening the Exopolysaccharide (EPS) complex formed by the microorganisms.
- Through intensive rinsing, bio-films and microorganisms are washed out of the host area, which results in a significant germ reduction and prevents bio-film formation.
Against Fungi / Moulds / Yeasts
Inhibition of Cytoplasmic Membrane- The bioflavonoids bind with sterols in the fungal cell membrane, principally ergosterol. This changes the transition temperature (Tg) of the cell membrane, thereby placing the membrane in a less fluid, more crystalline state. (In ordinary circumstances membrane sterols increase the packing of the phospholipid bilayer making the plasma membrane more denser).
- As a result, the cell's contents including monovalent ions (K+, Na+, H+, and Cl−), small organic molecules leak and this is regarded one of the primary ways cell dies.
- Inhibit the enzyme lanosterol 14 α-demethylase; the enzyme necessary to convert lanosterol to ergosterol. Depletion of ergosterol in fungal membrane disrupts the structure and many functions of fungal membrane leading to inhibition of fungal growth
- Inhibit squalene epoxidase, another enzyme required for ergosterol synthesis
- Inhibit the synthesis of glucan in the cell wall via the enzyme Beta (1-3) glucan synthase
- Viruses use the active form of bioflavonoids as nucleoside analogue rather than the nucleoside it normally uses to manufacture DNA, a critical component of viral replication. Incorporation of active flavonoids into new viral DNA stops the production of the DNA. Virally infected cells absorb more flavonoids than normal cells and convert more of it to the active form, which prolongs its antiviral activity.
- In case of RNA viruses, the antiviral effect of the solution is at the level of transcription, probably by stopping the replication of negatively stranded RNA viruses (reverse transcriptase) into virulent positive strands.
- In case of HIV virus, inhibition also occurred at entry site, expressing CD4 and chemokine co-receptors.
- In case of other viruses inhibition of viral polymerase and binding of viral nucleic acid or viral capsid protein occurs.
- Bioflavonoids alters glycoconjugate compositions of the cell membrane permeate the cell membranes and disrupt the structure of the different layers of membrane polysaccharides, fatty acids and phospholipids, which damage the cell membrane and leakage of cytoplasmic content.
- Bioflavonoids inhibits Topoisomerase II, proteasome inhibitor, metallo and cysteine-protease inhibitors.
Because it is:
- 100% Natural and Organic
- Non-toxic
- Hypoallergenic
- Non-carcinogenic
- Non-mutagenic
- Non-teratogenic
- Eco-friendly
- Kills 99.999% of germs
- Non-staining
- Non-oily
- Fully bio-degradable
- Odourless
- Non-corrosive
- The new standard of care in infection prevention and control or management
- Specially formulated to allow fast, thorough and gentle cleansing, washing, rinsing, irrigation and decontamination of all areas in any health care facility.
- Eliminates the potential for any microbial contamination
- Is free from all known drugs, preservatives and chemicals
- The only natural and organic alternative to all chemical based products
- Cleanses, washes, rinses, irrigates and decontaminates, even when surfaces are difficult to access
- Does not promote bacterial resistance or mutation
- Possesses rapid kill time
- Very effective against all moulds, yeasts, fungi, bacteria and viruses
- Non-sterile, preserved for multiple use
- pH balanced / works between a broad range of pH of 2 - 12
- Contains active antimicrobial ingredients
- Contains no detergents
- No additional irrigation is necessary
- Home care friendly
- Managed care friendly
- Simple and easy to use
- Has no side effects
- Prevents bio-film formation
- Suitable for repeated, long-term use
- Easy to store
- Long residual effect.
- Stable at temperatures up to 130° c
S.No. | Bacteria |
1 | Acinetobacter species |
2 | Acinetobacter species (Gentamicin Resistant) |
3 | Aeromonas hydrophila |
4 | Bacillus cereus |
5 | Bacillus circulans |
6 | Bacillus megaterium |
7 | Bacillus subtilis |
8 | Bacteroides |
9 | β-hemolytic Streptococci |
10 | Bordetella bronchiseptica |
11 | Brevibacterium species |
12 | Burkholdria cepacia |
13 | Citrobacter species |
14 | Clostridium perfringens |
15 | Clostridium sporogenes |
16 | Coagulase negative Staphylococci |
17 | Corynebacterium striatum |
18 | Corynebacterium species |
19 | Cronobacter sakazakii |
20 | Enterobacter aerogenes |
21 | Enterococcus faecium |
22 | Enterococcus species |
23 | Erwinia species |
24 | Escherichia coli |
25 | Gentamicin Resistant Gram Negative Bacteria (Proteus rettgeri) |
26 | Klebsiella oxytoca |
27 | Klebsiella pneumoniae |
28 | Klebsiella species |
29 | Lactobacillus acidophilus |
30 | Listeria monocytogenes |
31 | Listeria ivanovii |
32 | Listeria innocua |
33 | Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) |
34 | Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) |
35 | Micrococcus species |
36 | Moraxella catarrhalis |
37 | Moragnella morganii |
38 | Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
39 | Neisseria gonorrhoea |
40 | Neisseria species |
41 | Propionibacterium acne |
42 | Proteus mirabilis |
43 | Proteus morganii |
44 | Proteus vulgaris |
45 | Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
46 | Salmonella enterica |
47 | Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis |
48 | Salmonella typhimurium |
49 | Salmonella salford |
50 | Serratia marcescens |
51 | Shigella flexneri |
52 | Staphylococcus aureus |
53 | Staphylococcus epidermidis |
54 | Staphylococcus warneri |
55 | Stenotrophomonas maltophia |
56 | Streptococcus agalactiae |
57 | Streptococcus faecalis |
58 | Streptococcus faecium |
59 | Streptococcus pneumoniae |
60 | Streptococcus pyogenes |
61 | Streptococcus thermophilus |
62 | Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecalis |
63 | Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecium |
64 | Vibrio cholerae |
65 | Vibrio vulnificus |
66 | Xanthomonas species |
S.No. | Name of FUNGI |
1 | Acremonium species |
2 | Alternaria species |
3 | Aspergillus flavus |
4 | Aspergillus niger |
5 | Aspergillus terreus |
6 | Aureobasidium pullulans |
7 | Botrytis cinerea |
8 | Candida albicans |
9 | Candida glabrata |
10 | Candida guilliermondii |
11 | Candida krusei |
12 | Candida parapsilosis |
13 | Candida tropicalis |
14 | Cephalosporium species |
15 | Chaetomium globosum |
16 | Chrysosporium species |
17 | Cladosporium species |
18 | Colletotrichum species |
19 | Colletotrichum acutatum |
20 | Epidermophyton floccosum |
21 | Epidermophyton species |
22 | Fusarium species |
23 | Lasiodiplodia theobromae |
24 | Microsporum species |
25 | Monilinia laxa |
26 | Mucor species |
27 | Penicillium species |
28 | Pythium species |
29 | Rhizopus species |
30 | Scytalidium dimidiatum |
31 | Scytalidium hyalinum |
32 | Sporothrix schenckii |
33 | Trichophyton mentagrophytes |
34 | Trichophyton rubrum |
35 | Trichophyton tonsurans |